Men Ministry


Teaching men the path to holiness

As men in Christ, we are called to be watchful, firm in the faith, strong yet compassionate, always encouraging others and offering charity in all things. But these can seem daunting to cultivate on our own.

Fortunately, Deeper Life Bible Church in East Charlotte fosters a community of God-fearing men who are dedicated to embodying the Gospel whatever their vocation may be. Whether it comes to family, work, or anything else, our men’s ministry provides members with the support and edification they need to follow Christ.

At our men’s ministry, we seek to:

  1. Inculcate a true masculinity that focuses on virtue
  2. Guide men in their vocations
  3. Encourage them to be a source of good in their communities
  4. Enrich their emotional and spiritual wellness  
  5. Demonstrate that our manhood can be a vehicle for building holiness in the self and others

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